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Apr 22, 2022
In General Discussions
The muscle and joint strength of your entire body is important, especially the foot and ankle region as all the force of your body comes on this region while running, walking or even standing. If you maintain the joint and ankle strength, you can avoid the Ankle Fracture and injuries. Here we will discuss few tips by following those you will be able to avoid ankle injuries. There are few basic exercises that must be added in your daily routine. These exercises will be improving your joint flexibility and strengthen the joints and will make your balance better. Achilles tendon Exercise: Achilles tendon stretch is very important exercise, for that you need to lean against a wall or hang your heels off of a step to stretch the calf muscle. Calf muscle Exercise: this exercise will help strengthen the calf muscle. Toe flexibility and strengthening: try to pick up a wash cloth, marbles or pencils off the floor using your toes.


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