If you have a Cash Card or have applied for one to make payments through Cash App, you will need to know how you can check your cash app balance. And that’s precisely what I’ll be helping you with within this post. The good news is, it’s really easy to find the balance of your Cash App card, and there are several ways of doing it.
I will guide you through what the different methods are in detail, but before I do, I must explain how the Cash App card works.

How Does The Cash App Card Work?
Reading the terms and conditions is one of the best ways to understand how the card works and what its function is. Since that can take up quite a bit of time, we did it for you.
The terms and conditions state that the Cash Card is an extension of the Cash App and that you can spend the virtual money in your Cash App account using the card in brick and mortar stores, restaurants, and all other types of stores.
Since it’s a VISA card, it is accepted in most stores around the world. Now that you know how the card works, here’s how you can check the available balance in your Cash App card.
How To Check Cash App Card Balance?
As I mentioned earlier, the Cash App card is connected to your Cash App account, and not your other bank accounts or debit cards. Therefore, the balance in your Cash App is the same as the balance on your Cash App card.
There are four ways you can check your Cash App Card’s balance:
#1. On The App
· To check your Cash Card’s balance on the app, all you have to do is:
· Open Cash App.
· Log in by entering your email or phone number and sign-in code.
· Look at the available balance section on the dashboard that opens up.
· You will typically see the balance appear on the top of the screen right after you open the app.
#2. On The Website
· If you cannot check Cash App card balance on your phone for any reason, don’t worry. You can also do it from your desktop or laptop by visiting the site.
· All you need to do is:-
· Navigate to www.cash.app using your browser.
· Click on “Log In” and enter your email/phone number.
· Click on the “Request Sign In Code”
· Enter the code you receive on your email address/phone number.
· Look at the dashboard.
· You will see your Cash App Card balance here.
· On the website, you can also request to see a 12-month statement of your account. This can come in very handy at times.
#3. At The ATM
· To check Cash App Card balance at the ATM:
· Insert your CashCard into the slot.
· Enter your PIN using the keypad.
· Select the “Balance” option from the menu.
#4. Calling The Support Number
· The company has a support line set up that customers can call and have queries like these answered.
· It’s important to note that the line is automated. While you will be able to check your balance by calling the number in under a minute, you won’t be able to reach a customer service representative via this line.
· The only way to do that is via the app or website.
· However, you can use this line to request a 12-month account transaction history of your Cash Card. You can ask for a transaction history going back a maximum of 24 months in written form.
Advantages Of The Cash App Card:-
#1. You Can Use It As A Regular Debit Card
The company’s physical debit card allows you to access the funds in your Cash App account in the form of cash like any other regular debit card. You can step into an ATM, insert your card, and withdraw how much you need.
#2. It’s Free
Another advantage of the card is that it’s completely free to get your hands on, and you don’t have to pay fees for the card separately.
Since the Cash App Card is a VISA card, it is accepted in almost every store worldwide.
Plus, the card only works on your Cash App balance and does not connect to your other bank accounts or debit cards. It’s a great tool to use for budgeting out your money.
However, the card will only work as long as some funds are available in your Cash App account. Once you exhaust the available funds in your account, the card won’t work. So, you must keep track of the funds in your Cash App account and keep checking how much is in it from time to time.
#3. Gives You The Benefits Of A Credit Card
· The “Boosts” that the company supplies you with can save you a good amount of money in the long run.
· You get benefits and offers like “$1 off at any coffee shop”, “10% off at Chick-fil-A,” and more almost every day.
· You can find these offers on the Cash App main menu.
· The only thing you need to remember is that your bank account isn’t connected to the service – so you’ll need to keep topping the card up so you can use it.